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Parking Lot

Parking Lot for Car Shipping

Car Shipping Terminal

We own and operate Car Shipping Terminal at 3754 Williams Rd, San Jose, CA 95117 - Parking Lot to drop and pickup cars transported by Carriers.
When customer moves synchronizing dates for car moving is easier using parking lot - truck driver and customer do not have to be at the same time in the same place.

Can You Tell Broker about your travel plans?

We hear stories about brokers demand $400 more when you are late for your flight.
Search internet for reviews of a broker - online reviews might not match brokers web site.
When you ship your car with us from and to San Jose, CA - drop/receive your car on our Parking Lot so you don't have to sync your schedule with anyone.

Shipping from and to our Terminal

If you are busy or traveling - our parking lot at 3754 Williams Rd, San Jose, CA 95117 can be used for pickup and drop off.
Just send us email or call and we will handle pickup and drop off with Transportation Service company.

Do you guarantee Dates and Price?
How truck is assigned for a load?
How does insurance work during loading, unloading and in transit?