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Terms And Conditions. Columbus, OH - Philadelphia, PA ~ $326

  1. Booking #FMGH - Door to Door
    Landing Pad LLC. agrees to provide a carrier to transport Shipper's vehicle
    from Columbus, OH (Columbus, OH 43215, USA)
    to Philadelphia, PA (Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA)
    using Open trailer type and in accordance to Shipper's instructions for pickup and delivery.
    Pickup dates are 03/29/2025 - 04/09/2025. (Weekends and Holidays don't count)
    Pick up and delivery will be from door to door, or as close to the Shipper's door as the carrier can safely get to. Driver can walk up to 1 mile to make a stop but beyond that will ask shipper for help, i.e. drive truck driver back to his truck or pay for Uber.
    If Shipper is not available at delivery, vehicle will be delivered to a terminal, and there will be extra fees for storage and re-delivery.
    Paid $0
  2. Number of Vehicles : 1
    1. Honda, Civic '1990, DX 2dr Hatchback VIN#
    • Operational condition : Operational and safe to drive
    • Extra equipment : No extras. Standard factory body, weight and size. Hatchback LxWxH: 157x66x53 Curb Weight: 2165lbs.
    Vehicles must be tendered to carrier with no more than 1/2 tank of fuel. Electrical vehicles fully charged. If vehicle is inoperable or over-sized ( longer than 16 feet, dual wheels large pick up, van, racks, or weight in excess of 5500 lbs., etc.), please inquire.
  3. Payment - Cash On Delivery
    Total all inclusive price is $326. Deposit 10% + 2% Price and Dates Guarantee $39 is due upon placing order. The remaining $287 is due in cash to a driver upon your car delivery. Driver might accept checks or credit cards from industry businesses - for private party cash only.
  4. Pickup Instructions
  5. Delivery Instructions
  6. Price and Pickup Schedule Guarantee - Provided for this load
    Industry has reputation of bait and switch prices and not delivering timely pickups - this guarantee uses Brokers money when changes needed instead of changing terms for customers.
    We review all bookings and reserve the right to cancel and refund this warranty 12 hours after booking - for rural locations, areas with natural disasters, rare or modified vehicles etc.
    Weekends and Holidays don't count, i.e. 2 business days starting Friday is 4 calendar days.
    If Carrier Truck is not provided on 03/29/2025 - 04/09/2025 our services will be free plus we contribute 4% for every day late up to 20% of $326 to book you a truck. I.e. if pickup is 5 days late Carriers will be offered whole $326 plus 20% of Brokers own money leaving Broker at a loss and increasing chance of finding Carrier.
    Customer can request proof of price offered to Carriers on load boards as well as Carrier pay amount when load booked and request difference if Broker paid for late load less than promised - this is fairly well enforced through your bank because we accept Credit Cards and these terms are in writing.
  7. Cancellation and Refund
    Load can be cancelled before car picked up with email to dispatch@carhauler247.com or text to 408.256.0371 with load #FMGH mentioned.
    Deposit (with price guarantee and credit card fees) is fully refundable except two cases:
    1. Late Cancellation : Carrier is contracted and it is the day of pickup or the day before pickup
    2. Truck showed up but customer failed to provide vehicle or vehicle condition does not match the booking
  8. Delay en route
    If car is not delivered in 12 days after pickup and delay is not caused by receiver availability we refund $40 per day
    starting on day 13, not to exceed $400.
  9. Privacy
    We do not sell private data. Contacts are shared with our own or 3rd party carrier to arrange pickup and delivery.
  10. Luggage
    No electronic equipment, plants, pets, alcohol, drugs or firearms can be left in vehicle. Any luggage must be confined to trunk, with no heavy articles, and not to exceed 100 lbs. Carrier is not liable for personal items left in vehicle or damage caused by excessive or improper loading. For shipment to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, vehicle must be empty except factory installed equipment and no more than ¼ tank of fuel. Any articles or excessive fuel will be removed at shipper's expense.
  11. Insurance - included
    Damage claims are covered by carrier's cargo insurance from $100,000 up to $500,000 cargo insurance per truck load and a minimum of $750,000 public liability and property damage. Carrier will not be liable for failure of mechanical or operating parts of Shipper's vehicle, leaking fluids, freezing, exhaust systems or antennas not tied down. All damage claims must be noted and signed on condition report at time of delivery and submitted in writing within 15 days of delivery. The Department of Transportation regulations require that all claims be filed in writing and all tariffs be paid in full before claim may be processed.
  12. Auctions, Dealers, Ports - pickup/drop-off fees not included.
    All expenses during trip are covered. But expenses to pickup/drop-off (i.e. Auction gate fee, storage fees accrued before pickup, import customs fees etc.) are not included. Receipt will be sent to shipper and shipper can either reimburse driver upon delivery or contact us to pay.
408.256.0371 ~ Quote #FMGH